September at Uppark

Uppark garden

As September approaches, a seasonal quote from Monty Don:


“No other month has such a rich and rounded light or such a tangible sense of preciousness”


I couldn’t agree more, I love this time of year, after the frantic months of the summer where the growth of all plants (including weeds) is phenomenal, it’s now a chance to review, reflect and plan for next year.

So what are we planning at Uppark?

We’ve been thinking about our bulb order for this autumn and we’d like to get some big blocks of spring colour in the form of daffodils flanking the steps from the lower section of the visitor car park.

uppark garden

We’ve also been focusing on the first impressions visitors to Uppark receive, so over the last few years the garden team have been hedge-laying to smarten the appearance of the visitor car park and we’ll be doing some preparatory work in the lead up to the next phase of hedge-laying in October. The picnic area opposite the ticket office is becoming a little too dark so we’ll be thinning out some of those trees to provide more light; better for visitors, grass and wildlife.

Restoration work

The work to return the garden to its original Capability Brown/ Humphry Repton layout is moving on at pace. The planting done in September 2013 has flourished this year and has drawn lots of lovely comments from visitors and gives us an idea of the appearance of the rest of the planting will look like. Research work being carried out by gardener Jenny Swatton will enable us to design and plant the next phase over the autumn/winter months as we continue to enhance the quality of the peripheral planting.
Over the last few weeks we’ve been removing six bird cherries (Prunus padus) that have been struggling in recent years. We’ve been monitoring their health and for the last three summers, defoliation has started early in June and as the rest of the garden is thriving, we decided to remove this group. I must say the improvement is significant and the newly planted borders have become more prominent, so a worthwhile measure I feel.

September garden newsletter

Download the September newsletter (click on the title) to find out more information on the key plants at Uppark at the moment (image of Ceratostigma willmottianum).

Uppark garden

Halloween at Uppark

We’ve been working on the second Halloween murder mystery tunnel quiz trail after the success of last year’s first trail. So get your sleuthing hats on this October and see if you can solve this year’s half-term holiday mystery, tunnel image courtesy of Russell Baker.

 The Giant Ladder in the Uppark Tunnels

Events at Uppark in September

Call 01730 825415 or email to book/for information

Uppark sunset

Tripods and Tapas

3 September 6-9pm £15.00  Grab your camera and tripod if you have one and get those stunning landscape shots and then join us for Tapas in the Orangery Café afterwards.

Talk by Zoe Hillyard: Ceramic Patchwork – the journeys of makers & materials

12 September £15 10am-12pm Zoe Hillyard, one of the unravelled artists explains her work. Image courtesy of Russell Baker.

Uppark garden

Heritage Open Day

Free entry on Saturday 13 September 12.30-4.30pm