Dahlia Haze

Dahlia ‘Purple Haze’

We’ve got some great late season colour in the garden at the moment. D. ‘Purple Haze’ is a bushy, clump-forming, tuberous perennial with toothed, pinnate, dark green leaves and upright, red-flushed stems bearing double, reddish-purple to magenta flowers in summer and autumn.

Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’

D. ‘Arabian Night’ is a branching, tuberous tender perennial cultivar with deep-red flowers, almost black looking, with slightly incurved petals. The fully double flowers are as large as 10cm. wide. 

Dahlia ‘Snowflake’ 

D. ‘Snowflake’ is a pompon-flowered dahlia with an erect habit, deeply-divided, blue-green leaves and in summer abundant small white ball-shaped flowers.