Swags, Wreaths and Father Christmas at Uppark

uppark garden

This week the garden team are preparing for the Christmas season at Uppark. We’re decorating the stables for Father Christmas; he’ll be with us on 6, 7, 14 & 21 December from 11am – 3pm.

SONY DSCIt’s all about the Swag…

We’re running two festive workshops this year; yesterday it was all about the swag. Becks from the catering team delivered an inspirational workshop full of great tips and ideas for dressing spaces for Christmas. The supporting cut flower team, led by Gardener Jenny, really enjoyed learning about this intriguing Christmas tradition.

uppark garden




…and Wreaths

Our wreath making workshop is today, we’re really looking forward to seeing the results of this second festive foliage event with all the foliage coming from Uppark garden. Below Judy and Assistant Gardener Jen during last year’s workshop.


Join Us at Uppark

Father Christmas at Uppark  – 6, 7, 14 & 21 December 2014 (11am -3pm)






#NTChristmas at Uppark

Uppark garden

This year Father Christmas is at Uppark on these dates 1, 7, 8, 15 & 22 December 2013

Uppark Garden

The garden team have been very busy dressing the Stables this week and it’s a celebration of our wonderful Grand Tour theme in 2013. Earlier in the year we brought you Grand Tour Flowers and for Christmas, come sail with us as we bring you The Owl and the Pussycat.

Once this event is set up, the garden team will be turning their attention to preparing for our first Wreath Making Workshop on 5 December. This is now fully booked and if it’s a success, we may run more workshops next year.

Uppark garden

A Sustainable Christmas

On a rainy day at Uppark, we made a start on the Christmas preparations. The garden department are decorating the beautiful stables using natural materials for the Family Christmas weekend on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2012 – there might be the odd bit of sparkle…

Children will have the opportunity to enjoy a fun and educational journey through the stables before meeting Father Christmas.

We had great fun designing and creating decorations from coppiced Hazel and Willow and experimenting with Yew and Ivy; for our Sustainable Christmas.

With Head Gardener Andy’s great tuition and creativity, using natural products available from the woodland and garden we are producing some great things!

L-R, Andy in observational mood, Paul in his usual jocular mood and Judy, diligent as ever.

We also had the company of two very special dogs Maisie and Spud.

Our ‘winter woodland’ in the stables will be available for all to see at the Family Christmas weekend at Uppark House and Garden on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December.

Left, Volunteer Carleton putting Andy’s designs to the test 

We hope you’ll come and join us for some festive fun at Uppark House and Garden!

Right, Maisie looks on; below Judy and Jasper enjoying working with natural materials

A Family Christmas at Uppark

Uppark Garden

We’re getting in the Christmas mood at Uppark House and Garden….we’ve been ‘hatching’ some fine plans for our display areas in the Stables ready for our Christmas  weekend event  on 8 & 9 December. There’s a nod to A Woodland Discovery when you enter and where you wait to be called in to see Santa. We’ve some fun things for you to do here. Then there’s a tipped hat to the internationally famous* Uppark Garden in the next section and then….you’ll find Santa!

Waddle down to A Family Christmas at Uppark (8 & 9 December)

a small amount of salt may be required – we suggest a pinch*